A mushroom with special properties
Mushrooms have only been properly established since the seventies. Meanwhile, this vegetable has become a familiar ingredient in our kitchens. Its flavour, bite, ease of use and versatility have made mushrooms popular. Less well known is the fact, that mushrooms are also very healthy. Besides containing vitamins riboflavin and niacin (B2 and B3), mushrooms are rich in folic acid and minerals such as selenium, potassium and phosphor. They also contain dietary fibre and…copper. A hundred grams of fried mushrooms provide about 30% of our daily copper needs.
Slimming properties!
Mushrooms contain little to no calories, salt and fat. They are a source of proteins and dietary fibre, which make you feel saturated quickly. This is exactly why they are suitable to use as part of a weight loss diet. People have also discovered this in America: the M-diet is making a furore there as celebrities are eating away several pounds over a short period of time. It is effortless, with delicious meals in which mushrooms play the main roles.
Extra help against ‘autumn diseases’
Selenium, a mineral mushrooms contain, makes us more resilient against so-called ‘autumn illnesses’. Studies have shown that low selenium counts in the body heighten the risk of flu-like symptoms. The vitamins riboflavin and niacin (vitamin B) are important for a healthy immune system.